The System Sensor 2W-B is an i3-Series conventional, two-wire, photoelectric smoke detector. Add the hardwired 2W-B smoke detector to most existing alarm system control panels.
The 2W-B smoke detector is not the typical conventional detector. In fact, the 2W-B is a System Sensor i3 series intelligent detector that includes many of the same features found in analog smoke detectors. Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms, standard on the 2W-B, ensure the smoke detector does not become oversensitive as it becomes dirty or dusty. Measuring the specific sensitivity of the 2W-B smoke detector is made easy with the unique sensitivity reader. Simply position the reader near the word “PAINT,” and it displays sensitivity in terms of percent per foot obscuration. A text message then indicates whether or not cleaning is recommended. Using an infrared signal, the reader eliminates the need for a voltmeter, magnets, counting LEDs, and connecting to the detector. The 2W-B features both a local and remote maintenance signal that indicates when the smoke detector needs cleaning. Activated by the i3 loop test and maintenance module, or by any i3-ready control panel, the i3 remote maintenance signal means fewer nuisance calls and reduced maintenance costs.